We don’t change all at once it happens in increments. Step by step. I was thinking about the butterfly and the process it has to go through to go from being a caterpillar to spreading its wings and flying. We are like that caterpillar when we come to Christ. We are in a season of growth and we will prevail. We will have the victory. We will come out a rare form of beauty that the world has never seen before.
Caterpillars go through a metamorphosis which is a transformation
or change in shape. There are four phases of a butterfly’s life: Egg, larva,
pupa and adult. Pupa is the transition stage. Caterpillars are in a cocoon or a
chrysalis. Some pupa stages take two years. In the pupa stage cells grow
rapidly, legs, wings, eyes and other parts of the butterfly grow. Butterfly’s
can’t grow. In the adult stage a butterfly mates and lays eggs. It has a
different purpose than the one it was initially created in. Butterfly’s may not
even feed as adults. A caterpillar’s job is to eat and grow. Butterflies can’t
grow they are already equipped with what they need to mate and lay eggs. They live
for 1 to 2 weeks. The caterpillars end purpose is different from the purpose it
was born with. It goes through a transformation so too do we go through a
transformation. God will bring his purposes through us. I got this information
from www.Ansp.org.
So like I said I believe we are all like that butterfly.
Before we know Christ we are on a particular path and once we know Christ our
path changes. We become a new creation in Christ. Christ gives us the wings we
need to soar in our lives and to overcome the challenges and different stages.
What stage do you find yourself in? Are you like the butterfly are you soaring
with your wings spread wide? Are you like the caterpillar in the chrysalis? Are
you waiting for your body to grow and mature into the soaring stage? Or are you
like the larva where you’re just devouring God’s word and being prepared to
grow even more? I think I’m in the chrysalis stage. I’m waiting to mature and
grow in my walk with Christ. I do believe I’m a new creation. I have changed so
much from who I used to be and growing in my walk with Christ. I so cherish the
Lord and what he’s doing in my life. I used to be very shy and depressed. I
didn’t know Christ at the time but he knew me and he helped me come to him in
increments. My understanding of who he was
grew until I finally gave my heart to him.
if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
what stage are you in? I’m so in the growing stage of getting those eyes, legs,
wings so that I will soar with God’s word and spread it to others. That’s the
whole point is showing the love of Christ to others. No matter what stage you’re
in eventually you will come out of this struggle and be a rare beauty and soar.
You will fly, set free from everything that’s been weighing you down.
you share your stage with me?