I’m comfortable in my grave.
The grave clothes scratch me reminding me of a time when I
was alive.
I’ve been sitting here so long I don’t remember what it was
like to live.
Are there birds outside this grave?
Does God still look after each one?
Does God still look after me even now in this tomb?
If I lift up my head and fix my eyes heavenward will he see
me and take these grave clothes off of me?
I hear a whisper, a still small voice, Amy what are you
doing here?
I’m hiding Lord, they’re all gonna laugh at me. It’s safe
There’s no life in the grave.
I have given you life abundantly, get up and walk.
Let me take the grave clothes off of you.
Look do you see that light?
Yes Lord.
Move toward it.
I can’t Lord I don’t want to move.
You can. I’m right here beloved.
Walk out of your grave.
The tomb is not meant for you.
I have promised you eternal life.
Life is what’s waiting for you.
It’s been there all along just waiting for you to move.
I’m afraid.
I know but my perfect love casts out fear.
Walk out of the grave.
Will you hold my hand?
My child I’m always here to catch you when you fall.
I will make straight your paths.
Ok Lord I’m walking out of here because you said so, but I
need you Lord, every step of the way.
I need your love to be with me.
I always am with you. My love never fails.
Dear reader, are you ready to walk out of that grave you
find yourself in?
Will you let the Lord take off your grave clothes?
Will you share your journey with me? I’m listening.
Genuinely Yours,
Amy Z.
I forgot to mention there's three songs that talk about the grave. Rise Up by Cain, Wake up Sleeper by Austin French and Ain't No Grave by Bethel Music.