Friday, August 14, 2020

Meet at the Point of Sacrifice

     Dear readers I’m at a crossroads. Live a life fully surrendered to Christ or go my own way without him. I’ve come to realize that when things are out of my control I become anxious, worried and afraid. News flash for me, you have no control! When new things come my way, especially at work, I fall apart a little on the inside and I think to myself I can’t handle this. That is a lie from the pit of hell because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). So tonight Pastor Paul talked about Abraham going up the mountain to sacrifice Isaac while God sent an angel on the other side of the mountain to send a ram up the mountain to meet at the point of sacrifice. That phrase, meet at the point of sacrifice, stood out to me. It got me thinking. Can I sacrifice my control, can I sacrifice my wants and demands and accept the ram that the Lord has sent up the mountain for me? Can I even sacrifice the promises of God like Abraham did? Isaac was the one promised to Abraham. The one through whom all his generations would be blessed. Yet Abraham was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, his promise because God asked him to. Can I sacrifice this book on the altar of obedience? Can I let go and greet God with open hands? You know what I love about this story? It didn’t end with Abraham sacrificing his promised one. It ended with God providing the ram so Abraham got to keep the promise and the Lord provided a sacrifice for him to be obedient. He met him at the point of sacrifice and gave him the blessings of a nation. So too I believe the Lord will honor those who sacrifice the promises to God. It shows God that we want him more than anything else. So I give it to you Lord this book, have your way with it Lord, do what you will.

    I believe God is asking us to sacrifice our very lives on the altar of his love. We should sacrifice out of a place of genuine love for God. His word says:

    And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Romans 12:1 NLT

    So give your bodies as a sacrifice and worship him in all that you do. Let God have his way in your life and do his will. So I believe the Lord is showing me I must sacrifice daily. What do you have to sacrifice? For me it’s control. I’ve got to stop believing I have control over things because I really don’t. It’s detrimental to me to believe I have control. I just want to believe in the Lord’s will for my life. I just want to enjoy my life and do my best. I love what Romans 12:2 says.

    Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

    I love this, I want God to transform me. I believe he is changing the way I think. I’ve got some challenges at work and I need an attitude adjustment because I’m coming at it in fear instead of faith.

    So will you pray for me dear readers that I walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV)?

    How can I be praying for you? I’m here. I’m listening.

    Do you know what will happen as you climb the mountain of obedience and offer your life as a living sacrifice? God will meet you at the top of the mountain with exactly what you need to live a life fully surrendered to him.

Genuinely Yours,

Amy Z


  1. I love this. We all need to trust God and let him take control. When I do, things run smoothly, but sometimes I get so caught up in this earthly life I forget to make time. Then I get stressed. I have been making time everyday for God. I have to. It calms my stress. I need to sacrifice more of my time to God. 15 minutes here and there is a good start, but i know I can do better. I will pray for you my dear friend and I know you will for me. I love you.

    1. Awww thank you for commenting! You are so right gotta trust God. I know I think I have control but I really don't. Spending more time with God is so important. He's our anchor. I'm glad you're spending more time with God. Thank you for your prayers! I'll be praying for you too! Love you so much!
