Sunday, January 31, 2021

Zoom Out

           You don’t have to be perfect you can be who you are. I love your heart. I created your heart give it to me.

God spoke this word to me dear readers and I believe it’s going to bless you. So often I try to be perfect. I look at the lives of others with a super hyper focused lens and I think I have to be like them, but I encourage you to zoom out on the lens of comparison. It’s like a camera when you are zoomed in you miss the other things surrounding your subject. So when you look at someone’s life and think man I wish my life was like that you’re actually zoomed in and don’t see the whole picture. You don’t see how that person has to get up at 6:30 every morning to go for a walk to ease the anxiety that will inevitably will come. You don’t see how that person prays every morning for others and reads her bible before she gets ready for work. You don’t see the courage it took for that person to get out of bed. You don’t see me and my daily struggles. What you may see is this joyful person that exudes the light of Christ. And you might think man I want that. If you want that you’ve got to go after it in your own way. There is no one like you dear reader. No not one. So no one can have your relationship with Christ. Only you can have that relationship with Christ. So I encourage you and I encourage myself to zoom out when the temptation to compare comes.

So often I compare myself to other people. I should pray how they pray. I should worship how they worship. I should have a deep relationship with God like their deep relationship with God. I should give how they give. I should love on people the way they love on people. God never meant for us to compare ourselves to others. There is no one on this earth like me. There is no one on this earth like you. Therefore, God created you to be unique and who you are. God wants a relationship with you, yes you, exactly how you are. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to pray like someone else prays because no one can pray like you with your heart and your mind and your relationship with Christ. We are not meant to compare ourselves with others because we don’t have their heart or their unique experience with the Lord. We have our very own experiences and our very own heart. Your heart is beautiful. Share it with others. There’s no kind of beautiful like your kind of beautiful.

So often I fall into legalism believing I have to pray a certain way or read my bible a certain way for God to see me. God sees me all the time. He’s constantly there for my good. I don’t have to be perfect and follow the letter of the law. I can just seek God with all my heart, with my own heart, and he will bring his word to pass in my life. So too can you seek God with all your heart with your own heart. So too will he bring his word to pass in your lives dear readers. So I encourage you to zoom out this week and see others as the unique individual that God created to love God in their own way. Just like you.

What do you need to zoom out on?

I’m here.

I’m listening.

Genuinely Yours,

Amy Z

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